Mentorship and coaching

Mentorship and Coaching

More than 500+ professionals ,trainers ,coaches and Mentors with their immense experience and expertise will hand hold our women entrepreneurs to take their business idea to the next level. Experts from finance ,legal, trade ,technology, marketing and branding ,project management ,professional and personal skills and procedures are part of our team who are passionate about women empowerment .

Training and coaching

Female entrepreneurs continue to face daunting challenges such as restrictive knowledge and limited access to skilling which limits their potential to grow. WEITTC Skill centre will address the unique challenges of the entrepreneurs. The skill centre programs aims at powering growth among she-led businesses by maximising their skills and strengths by equipping them with the needed knowledge, tools, and resources to scale and sustain their businesses in a global competitive environment.

WE ITTC skill centre offers

2022 Designed and Developed by WEITTC